Australia’s changing climate


Since 1910, the air and sea temperatures in and around Australia have warmed by nearly 1 degree Celsius. May–July rainfall has reduced by around 19 per cent since 1970 in the southwest of WA, and the duration, frequency and intensity of extreme heat events have increased across large parts of Australia.

In addition, rainfall has increased across parts of northern Australia since the 1970s, oceans around Australia have warmed and acidity levels have increased. We have also seen sea levels rising around Australia.

These changes affect many Australians particularly those changes associated with increases in the frequency or intensity of heat events, fire weather and drought. Australia will need to plan for and adapt to some level of climate change.

The science underpinning these findings will help inform a range of economic, environmental and social decision-making and local vulnerability assessments by government, industry and communities.

In this lecture Neil Bennett will provide a background into the science behind these findings and will include new information about Australia’s climate – past, present and future.

Neil Bennett is the WA Manager of Media and Communication for the Bureau of Meteorology. He has worked in the field for 38 years and has spent time in the UK, Germany and Australia. As an observer he undertook measurements of temperature, rainfall, winds and pressure, whilst as a forecaster he provided forecasts for aviation users, the defence forces, emergency services managers, the media and the general community. In his current role, Neil acts as the spokesperson for the Bureau during major weather events and undertakes stakeholder engagement activities. He has also spent time working with ABCTV as one of their weather presenters.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

5.45pm for 6pm

State Library Theatre, Ground Floor, 25 Francis St, Perth


