2016 Fremantle Studies Day



The Fremantle History Society invites you to join us

on Sunday 30th October between 1 and 5pm
at THE WA ARMY MUSEUM, Burt Street Fremantle

for four new papers which consider special places and themes in Fremantle’s history, leaving us with important questions to ponder.
Enjoy stimulating papers, good company and our legendary afternoon tea.
Registrations open at 1pm for a 1-30pm start

Price: $20 members, $25 non members

Bookings: secretary.fhs@gmail.com, phone contact 0438 445 141,

WWW: http://www.fhs.org.au FACEBOOK:/fremantlehistorysociety

Please see further information regarding speakers on theĀ flier.

Photograph Courtesy of Fremantle City Library History Centre, Print No. 2834